BCM Worship
7:30 - Fellowship
8:00 - Worship
We have a weekly time of worship all together as a body of believers. We meet together at 7:30 for fellowship and then start worship at 8:00. A typical Tuesday night consists of worship led by the BCM band, a speaker, and announcements of upcoming events. This semester's theme is "Elephant's in the Room - Grey areas of the faith" where we are addressing issues of the faith that we often avoid talking about because they are "grey areas".
Women's Bible Study
7:30 pm
BCM House
Women's bible study meets weekly on Thursday nights. They meet together for fellowship and then a large group time of teaching. Following the large group time, they break into small groups for discussion and prayer. The book that they are going through this semester is Jude by Jackie Hill Perry. Girls can join the study at any point in the semester. For more information talk to Logan Robitzsch or any of the leaders on the women's ministry team.
Men's Bible Study
7:30 pm
First Baptist
Men's Bible study meets every Thursday night at 7:30 pm at First Baptist Church in downtown Milledgeville. The guys are going through the book Be Wise: 1 Corinthians by Warren Wiersbe and they meet together as a large group then break out into small groups for discussion, accountability, and prayer. For more information talk to Garrett Blackstock or any of the leaders on the men's ministry team.